Thursday, December 04, 2003

3rd meeting notes

3rd meeting (@Geoff's on 12/2):
geoff, kevin, brady, simon

simon brought electrical design handout.
we drank brady's les heretiques wine (sorry lars ;-)

should we have absolute or relative postion rotors?
- with relative we have to calibrate. we would do this at the beginning of startup
- the absolute will not have to calibrate
- the relative pr's cost 25 bucks
- absolute pr's cost 300
- we need either 3 or 6

- build in mechanical/electrical redundancy
- have other wheels
- kevin & simon

as we design we should decide what parts are the proper combination of:
- cost
- likelihood of needing replacing
- ability to fix (on/off the playa

parts to be considered:
- wheel
- motor controller
- rotor
- batteries
- chains

- blog
- public facing
- will be publicized
- blogger

- can we charge all batteries at once?
- what's the cost of the chargers? does simon have one?
- should we put castors on the three dummy pieces?

- kevin to cost the steel and calculate weight of steel and batteries
- simon to send kevin rotary encoders website (
- brady - set up blog on blogger
- brady - lighting/external design concepts
- geoff - command console design

next meeting: tuesday after new years 1/6
- geoff may be gone